Tree Sales
2024 Tree Orders
It’s that time of year again! I would like to encourage folks to order sooner, rather than later! The inventory went fast last year. I will take orders up until March 1st, and will be in touch as we get closer with a delivery date. Payment MUST be received in full before delivery will be made. To save on paper, and to make it more simple for everyone, I created the Order Form so that you can fill it out online, download and save it, and then simply email it back to me.
Availability ListPlease confirm Availability before ordering. I receive updates from the nursery about every week, so there still may be a chance that items are out of stock. For this reason, make sure to check with me before we finalize your order and you attempt to pay.
You can view a description of the trees HERE:
Price SheetOrder Form (Original Form)Please email order forms to Kylie at or mail them to 205 W 13th Street, Hardin. You can contact me with questions at (406) 629-3229.
We accept Cash, Checks made out to Big Horn Conservation District, or PayPal.
Tree Planter and Fabric Layer
Tree Planter and Fabric Layer are available for rent. Contact the Big Horn Conservation District for more information.